Membership Overview
Nehoiden Golf Club is a private 9-hole club. We welcome members residing in the Town of Wellesley, Wellesley College Alumnae, and qualified employees of the Town and Wellesley College. Spouses or Partners in certain categories are also eligible for Membership. In addition, Wellesley College Alumnae may purchase daily greens fees up to 10 times per season for those visiting from out of town.
Membership Policy
Individuals from the following groups are eligible for membership:
Full (Wellesley Resident) - Full Members in this category must be a permanent resident in the Town of Wellesley Massachusetts. Spouses who live in the same household are also eligible for this Membership Tier, and can apply for a separate Full membership. Membership in this category is currently closed, and there is a waitlist for new members. Once a Full Wellesley Resident Member has been part of Nehoiden Golf Club at this level for ten (10) consecutive seasons, they have the right to retain their Full Membership upon leaving the Town of Wellesley if they keep their active Membership in good standing.
Full (Wellesley College Alumna) - Full Members in this category are graduates of Wellesley College. Wellesley College Alumna are eligible to bypass Nehoiden GC’s Wait List Policy and are subject to Nehoiden GC’s Initiation Fee. Spouses are also eligible for this Membership Tier, and can apply for a separate Full membership.
Town of Wellesley Employee - Members are benefits-eligible Town of Wellesley employees. Town of Wellesley Employees are eligible to bypass Nehoiden GC’s Wait List Policy.
Wellesley College Employee - Members are benefits-eligible current employees of Wellesley College as recognized by the Human Resources Department. Memberships are available for eligible dependent children (up to age 22 by the start of the golf season) living at home. Wellesley College Employees are eligible to bypass Nehoiden GC’s Wait List Policy. Spouses are also eligible for this Membership Tier, and can apply for a separate Employee membership.
Child Limited - Members age 10 - 22 by the start of the golf season who have at least one parent who is a current Full Nehoiden GC Member. Child Limited Membership are not eligible for play on Saturdays, Sundays, or holidays before 11:30AM. Child Limited Members under the age of 13 must be accompanied by a parent or other adult Member of Nehoiden GC. Child Limited Members age 10-16 may be subject to Member Certification at the beginning of the season. Child Limited Members are eligible to forego Nehoiden GC’s Wait List Policy. Child Limited Members are eligible for Full Wellesley Resident Membership at the age of 23 if they are Wellesley Residents and pay the Full Wellesley Resident Initiation Fee.
Student - Members are Wellesley Residents with no parental affiliation to Nehoiden Golf Club, up to age 22. A valid High School or Undergraduate College ID is required for this Membership level. Student Members are eligible to forego Nehoiden GC’s Wait List Policy. Student Members are eligible for Full Wellesley Resident Membership upon the completion of school if they are Wellesley Residents and pay the Full Wellesley Resident Initiation Fee.
Wellesley College Student - Current full-time, matriculated students at Wellesley College can use the course free of charge. Please follow the instructions for WC Student Access. Be sure to bring your WC student identification card to the first tee to confirm your status with the starter.
Please see our Nehoiden Golf Club Membership Tiers page for complete details.
Member Payment
For annual membership dues or monthly bill payments, there are two methods of payment.
Credit Card Payments
Members can set up credit card automatic monthly payments using your Member Dashboard accessed through the Chronogolf by Lightspeed homepage. Members can also view existing balances through the dashboard. For more information on how to access and navigate the Member Dashboard, please view the Nehoiden Member House Account Payment.
Check Payments
Checks should be made payable to Nehoiden Golf Club and mailed to:
Nehoiden Golf Club
c/o Susan Chapski
106 Central Street
Wellesley, MA 02481
Booking a Tee Time
Booking Your Round
You can access the Member Portal to book a tee time directly by logging into your account at or going to the Nehoiden GC home page and selecting Tee Time in the top menu. Your login email is the same email we have on file at Nehoiden. If you need to reset your password, you can do so by selecting Forgot Password? from the login screen. You can also make tee times by downloading the Chronogolf by Lightspeed App on your smartphone, and logging into your account there. Details on how to book a time are below, and step-by-step instructions can be found on the Booking Your Round on Chronogolf cheat sheet. You also have the option to book through the Chronogolf app. Please see our guide Booking on the Chronogolf App for more detail.
You will be able to book up to two days in advance of the current day, starting at 7am each morning.
- All members must book tee times online to reserve a spot to play. Tee times must be reserved by logging into the Nehoiden Member Portal found by logging into your account through , through the Nehoiden GC website, as well as through the Chronogolf by Lightspeed App on your phone. NO WALK-UPS ALLOWED.
- Members can book multiple 9-hole or 18-hole tee times each day day, up to two days in advance. Please only book a reservation if you can confirm play to make it fair for all golfers.
- You can book tee times for other members in your group - please confirm that these members will be able to play.
- ALWAYS check the Course Calendar before booking a tee time to ensure the course is fully available at that time, as the Wellesley College Golf Team and Physical Education Department use Holes 6/7 periodically.
- Members can book up to three guests per round, and guests must stay with their Member throughout the round. This will be done through the Member Dashboard, where guests can be added along with your reservation. Please see our Booking a Guest on Chronogolf Guide for instructions on how to boon your guest through the Member Portal. You also have the option to book through the Chronogolf app. Please see our guide Booking on the Chronogolf App for more detail.
- Cancel a confirmed reservation as soon as you know you cannot play to allow others access to that tee time. Please see the bottom of this section for more information on Member No Shows. Note there is no penalty for no shows due to inclement weather.
- Guest No Shows will be charged to the member's account. Note there is no penalty for no shows due to inclement weather.
- Starters CANNOT make tee times for members or their guests.
Member No Shows
Any member or guest that does not arrive at the first tee for golf as part of their reservation will be marked as a No Show in the golf management system.
- 1st Offense = Email warning from the Golf Operations Team
- 2nd Offense = Suspension of Member Privileges for 1 week
- 3rd Offense = Suspension of Member Privileges for 2 weeks
- 4th Offense = Suspension of Member Privileges for 1 month
- 5th Offense = Termination of Membership
NOTE that all Members are responsible for their reserved tee times, whether you make your own or another Member reserves one for you. Please only book a reservation for a member if you know they will be able to play.
NOTE There will be no refund of Membership Dues as a result of the above actions.
Wait List
Membership at Nehoiden is currently closed for the Full Member (Wellesley Resident) tier. The wait list was created to give residents the opportunity to be informed once memberships become available as current Members decline renewal offers in the offseason. As these positions open up, names are selected chronologically from the waitlist to fill the available slots. The current wait for Membership from the wait list is several years, but is subject to change. As of October 2024, the wait time is running between 7-8 years.
If you are applying as a Full Member (Wellesley Resident), please note that only residential addresses will be accepted for membership. Business addresses cannot be used to determine eligibility. All memberships are for individuals only, though there are opportunities for additional family members to obtain their own membership once an individual in the household becomes a member. Please put each household name onto the wait list individually. Full Members will be required to pay an Initiation Fee before their first year of membership.
To be considered for the wait list, submit your contact information to Nehoiden Golf Club via the Nehoiden Golf Club Waitlist Form. Contact information should include your name, home address, phone number and email address. Please DO NOT submit your contact information multiple times. After you submit your form, you will receive a confirmation email. This email confirms that you have been placed in our wait list database in the order that your form was submitted.
Once you are eligible for Membership, you will receive an email with more detailed information from Nehoiden Golf Club, including a preliminary membership application. You will be asked to submit your application and the associated dues and fees at that time for full access to Nehoiden Golf Club, as well as the opportunity to participate in Member events, travel opportunities, clinics, and other related activities.
Periodically, we update those on the Waitlist through email to let you know where you stand. This is the best way to find out your position when it comes to place in line. Or you can email to get an estimate of your remaining wait time.
Leave of Absence
Any member in good standing may request from the Club a Medical Leave of Absence (MLOA). The request for a MLOA must be made in writing to the Nehoiden Golf Club at Wellesley College Operations Team at Inquiries related to MLOA can be made to Susan Chapski during regular Golf Office business hours, or by calling 781-283-3398. Please note the terms of the Nehoiden Golf Club Medical Leave of Absence Policy before submitting your request.
Guest Policy
We welcome guests who want to experience Nehoiden Golf Club alongside our NGC members. We have updated our guest policy to allow all of our members to maximize the benefits of their membership, and encourage play whenever possible.
- Members may reserve up to 3 guests as part of their reservation.
- Guest name(s) with unique email must be submitted at the time of the reservation. Guests will be recorded in the Member Portal for future bookings. As an alternative, guest information will be collected at the first tee and may be required to confirm with identification. This will enable you to expedite the addition of your guest to future reservations. While we will not limit the amount of times a guest can play at this time, we want to better track who is joining us at the club for guest play as we do for our member play.
- Cancellations can be made up to your tee time. After that time your reservation cannot be changed. No shows will be charged in full to the Member Account. Cancellations by the club due to frost delays, inclement weather, etc. will not be charged to the Member Account.
- Payments can be made by credit card at the first tee, or will be charged to the Member’s account. You can also charge directly to a credit card saved on file at the first tee.
- Members must stay with their guests while on the course at all times.
- Guests under the age of 13 are not allowed to play before 11:30 am on Saturday, Sundays, and holidays.
- Guests must adhere to the same Code of Conduct as members. Any guest in violation could result in action against the associated member.
Please see our Booking a Guest on Chronogolf Guide for instructions on how to book your guest through the Member Portal. You also have the option to book through the Chronogolf app. Please see our guide Booking on the Chronogolf App for more detail.
Members Only Times
To start the season, members only times will be:
- all member only tee times have been suspended as of July 1st, 2022 - we will re-assess on a weekly basis by reviewing demand for tee times.
We will continue to review our policies as we move throughout the season, and make adjustments as appropriate.
Daily Greens Fees
9 Holes: $45 Mon - Thurs, $55 Fri - Sun & Holidays
18 Holes: $65 Mon - Thurs, $75 Fri - Sun & Holidays
Alumnae Guests
Alumnae of Wellesley College may purchase a package of 10 rounds of golf per season for themselves and/or their spouse. Beginning in 2025, Alumnae must register via the Alumna Pass Holder Registration Form and pay a $150 registration fee, to establish an account through our Chronogolf system. Once registered, tee times can be made directly in Chronogolf and current guest fees apply and will be charged to your credit card on file upon check-in with the starter at the first tee. Please email Susan Chapski at for questions. Alumna or their spouse must accompany any guests while on the course. If anyone other than the registered alumna or their spouse/partner shows up to play without the alumna or spouse/partner, they will be denied access to the course.
Alumnae members may bring up to 3 guests on the course at a time. Please note that guests will count toward the maximum of 10 rounds per season.
Men's Group
The Men's Group is organized to make golf at Nehoiden more fun for all members and to enhance the Nehoiden social experience. The Group sponsors eight varied events from scrambles to head to head tournaments, including three after-match gatherings at the club house adjacent to the sixth green. For those so inclined, there is a very active twilight league featuring friendly competition and camaraderie.
For more information on the Men's Group, including an events calendar and membership information, visit the NGC Men's Group website. If you have any questions or wish further information, contact Men's Group President Ken McGraime (
Women's Group
The Nehoiden Women’s Golf Association provides regular playing opportunities for women golfers of all skill levels. Members come together and play informally on Tuesday mornings and alternating Wednesday afternoons. We are a 9-hole league that features fun events including opening and closing day and an August Sunday afternoon scramble with buffet lunch/refreshments and prizes. We also organize a variety of monthly events that feature individual, team and partner play formats. Nehoiden is part of an interclub Exchange Day group that plays golf and socializes after golf at lunch with other local country clubs.